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Lumni Inc.: Improving Society In A Sustainable Way - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Luis Felipe Marti Borbolla; Jose Alfredo Walls Gomez; June Cotte;
出版日期:2018/02/14內容長度:4 頁

Teaching note for product 9B18M011.

Lumni Inc.: Improving Society In A Sustainable Way
作者姓名:Luis Felipe Marti Borbolla; Jose Alfredo Walls Gomez; June Cotte;
商品類型:Case (Pub Mat)商品編號:9B18M011
出版日期:2018/02/14內容長度:11 頁

In June 2017, a journalist was preparing a major news story about Lumni Inc. (Lumni), a company that he wanted to profile in the next issue of his Mexico City–based magazine. Lumni's mission was essentially a social one: to improve the conditions, access, and quality of higher education for young students, especially in Latin America. However, although its mission was originally non-profit, Lumni was not considered a non-governmental organization .....more

Note on Hybrid Business Models
作者姓名:Luis Felipe Marti Borbolla; Jose Alfredo Walls Gomez; June Cotte;
出版日期:2018/02/14內容長度:5 頁

A hybrid business model incorporates the social responsibility interests of a non-profit organization with the economic objectives of a for-profit company. This note explains the fundamental organizational activities that drive a hybrid business model and provides examples of successful hybrid business models currently in operation. This note can be used as a companion document to Lumni Inc.: Improving Society in a Sustainable Way, product no. 9B .....more